Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When is the last day of Remote Learning?
A. Right now the last day for Remote Learning will be May 18, 2020. This date is subject to change based on ISBE School Calendar guidance.
Q. When is the last day for Seniors?
A. The last day of Remote Learning for Seniors will be May 8, 2020 unless there are circumstances that require some Seniors to go longer. In this rare situation, Mr. Wooters will communicate with those students on an individual basis.
Q. When is the last day to turn in paper packets and electronic submissions of student work?
A. May 19, 2020 is the last day to turn in Remote Learning work. Your building Principals will provide specifics on the collection procedure closer to May 19. This is subject to change based on ISBE School Calendar guidance.
Q. When can students clean out their lockers and desks?
A. The plan is to allow students into the building to clean out their lockers during the week of May 18. Details of the procedure will come from building Principals closer to May 18.
Q. Is it required that students do the work provided during Remote Learning Days?
A. YES! Remote Learning Days are school days. All assigned work will be assessed on a Pass/Incomplete scale. In the case of a student not completing the work provided, thus receiving a high number of incompletes in the grade book during the Remote Learning period, that student could be required to go through a “remediation” process in order to pass a class or be promoted to the next grade level once school resumes. This could mean some form of Summer School!
Q. Does simply turning in an assignment automatically earn students a PASS on the assignment?
A. No. As always, the teachers will determine what work is worthy of a passing effort. If the teacher is not satisfied with the effort or quality of responses on the work they will be providing feedback to the student, clarify expectations, and could issue an incomplete. This would require the student to re-do the work to produce a more quality final product in order to earn a PASS.
Q. What is the status of end of the year events?
A. Some events have been or will be cancelled, others will be postponed. Mr. Wooters and Ms. Harmon will post a calendar of events to the District web page and App as a resource for this information.
Q. Will spring season athletic events be played or made up?
A. No. All athletic events for the Spring 2020 season have been cancelled and will not be made up.
Q. Will students be required to take Final Exams?
A. In most cases, no. All BHS final exams for Spring Semester have been cancelled. However, if students are in dual credit courses through Lakeland College final exams could still be required as part of Lakeland’s requirements. Students are encouraged to communicate with their dual credit teacher for information.
Q. Will there be a graduation ceremony for the class of 2020?
A. Yes! The administration and Board of Education continue to monitor social distancing and stay at home guidelines. Our goal is to determine a graduation platform and date which will provide us the opportunity to hold a graduation ceremony that will allow us to safely and responsibly honor the graduates of the Class of 2020. Seniors and parents can expect information on graduation by the end of the first week of May, 2020.